Profesor Asociado

Dr. en Ciencias Mención Ing. Genética Vegetal, Universidad de Talca

Ingeniero Agrónomo


Líneas de Investigación

Mi investigación se centra en el estudio del rol fisiológico y molecular de hormonas y elicitores en la maduración y postcosecha de frutos. Como parte de sus objetivos, está mejorar la calidad de productos agrícolas mediante la aplicación de compuestos naturales.

Figueroa, NE; Gatica-Melendez, C; Figueroa, CR., 2021. Ethylene application at the immature stage of Fragaria chiloensis fruit represses the anthocyanin biosynthesis with a concomitant accumulation of lignin. Food Chemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129913

Figueroa, CR; Jiang, CZ; Torres, CA; Fortes, AM; Alkan, N., 2021. Editorial: Regulation of Fruit Ripening and Senescence. Frontiers In Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.711458

Valdenegro, M; Bernales, M; Knox, M; Vinet, R; Caballero, E; Ayala-Raso, A; Kucerova, D; Kumar, R; Viktorova, J; Ruml, T; Figueroa, CR; Fuentes, L., 2021. Characterization of Fruit Development, Antioxidant Capacity, and Potential Vasoprotective Action of Peumo (Cryptocarya alba), a Native Fruit of Chile.  Antioxidants. DOI:  10.3390/antiox10121997

Castro, RI; Munoz-Vera, M; Parra-Palma, C; Valenzuela-Riffo, F; Figueroa, CR; Morales-Quintana, L., 2021. Characterization of cell wall modification through thermogravimetric analysis during ripening of Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) fruit. Cellulose. DOI: 10.1007/s10570-021-03806-w

Gutierrez, C; Figueroa, CR; Turner, A; Munne-Bosch, S; Munoz, P; Schreiber, L; Zeisler, V; Marin, JC; Balbontin, C., 2021. Abscisic acid applied to sweet cherry at fruit set increases amounts of cell wall and cuticular wax components at the ripe stage. Scientia Horticulturae. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110097

Balbontin, C., Gutierrez, C., Wolff, M., Figueroa, C.R., 2018. Effect of abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate preharvest applications on fruit quality and cracking tolerance of sweet cherry. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 78 (3): 438-446

Delgado, L.D., Figueroa, N.E., Pastene, E., Escobar-Sepúlveda, H.F., Figueroa, P.M., Garrido-Bigotes, A., Figueroa, C.R. 2018. Application of a JA-Ile Biosynthesis Inhibitor to Methyl Jasmonate-Treated Strawberry Fruit Induces Upregulation of Specific MBW Complex-Related Genes and Accumulation of Proanthocyanidins. Molecules 23 (6): doi: 10.3390/molecules23061433.

Garrido-Bigotes, A., Figueroa, P.M., Figueroa, C.R., 2018. Jasmonate Metabolism and Its Relationship with Abscisic Acid During Strawberry Fruit Development and Ripening. J. Plant Growth Regul. 37, 101–113. doi:10.1007/s00344-017-9710-x

Garrido-Bigotes, A., Figueroa, N.E., Figueroa, P.M., Figueroa, C.R., 2018. Jasmonate signalling pathway in strawberry: Genome-wide identification, molecular characterization and expression of JAZs and MYCs during fruit development and ripening. PLoS One 13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0197118

Oñate, F.A., Hasbún, R., Mora, F., Figueroa, C.R., 2018. Linkage disequilibrium and population structure in Fragaria chiloensis revealed by SSR markers transferred from commercial strawberry. Acta Sci. – Agron. 40. doi:10.4025/actasciagron.v40i1.34966

Ramos, P., Parra-Palma, C., Figueroa, C.R., Zuñiga, P.E., Valenzuela-Riffo, F., Gonzalez, J., Gaete-Eastman, C., Morales-Quintana, L., 2018. Cell wall-related enzymatic activities and transcriptional profiles in four strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) cultivars during fruit development and ripening.  Hortic. (Amsterdam). 238, 325–332. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2018.04.064

Valenzuela-Riffo, F., Garrido-Bibotes, A., Figueroa, PM., Morales-Quintana, L., Figueroa, CR. 2018. Structural characterization of the jasmonoyl-isoleucine perception complexes from Fragaria vesca by in silico molecular analysis. PeerJ PeerJ Preprints6:e2772v2

Campos-Requena, V.H., Rivas, B.L., Perez, M.A., Figueroa, C.R., Figueroa, N.E., Sanfuentes, E.A. 2017. Thermoplastic starch/clay nanocomposites loaded with essential oil constituents as packaging for strawberries – In vivo antimicrobial synergy over Botrytis cinerea. Postharvest Biology and Technology 129, 29-36, 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2017.03.005

Sáez, F.A., Narváez, G.F., Morales, M.F., Bello, H.M., Balbontín, C. and Figueroa, C.R. 2017. Physiochemical and antibacterial characterization of fruits of Citronella mucronata(Cardiopteridaceae), Pitavia punctata (Rutaceae) and Beilschmiedia berteroana (Lauraceae), three endemic and threatened Chilean trees. Fruits 72(2), 87-96. DOI: 10.17660/th2017/72.2.4

Saavedra, G.M., Sanfuentes, E., Figueroa, P.M., Figueroa, C.R. 2017. Independent preharvest applications of methyl jasmonate and chitosan elicit differential upregulation of defense-related genes with reduced incidence of gray mold decay during postharvest storage of Fragaria chiloensis fruit. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18: 1420; doi: 10.3390/ijms18071420​.

Saez, F.A., Narvaez, G.F., Morales, M.F., Hello, H.M., Balbontin, C., Figueroa, C.R. 2017. Physiochemical and antibacterial characterization of fruits of Citronella mucronata (Cardiopteridaceae), Pitavia punctata (Rutaceae) and Beilschmiedia berteroana (Lauraceae), three endemic and threatened Chilean trees. Fruits 72, 87-96

Saavedra GM, Figueroa NE, Poblete LA, Cherian S, Figueroa CR. 2016. Effects of preharvest applications of methyl jasmonate and chitosan on postharvest decay, quality and chemical attributes of Fragaria chiloensis fruit. Food Chemistry 190: 448-453.

Cherian S, Figueroa CR, Nair H. 2014. ‘Movers and shakers’ in the regulation of fruit ripening: a cross-dissection of climacteric versus non-climacteric fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 4707-4722.

Preuss A, Augustin C, Figueroa CR, Hoffmann T, Valpuesta V, Sevilla JF, Schwab W. 2014. Expression of a functional jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferase is negatively correlated with strawberry fruit development. Journal of Plant Physiology 171: 1315-1324.

Balbontín C, Ayala H, Rubilar J, Cote J, Figueroa CR. 2014. Transcriptional analysis of cell wall and cuticle related genes during fruit development of two sweet cherry cultivars with contrasting levels of cracking tolerance. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 74: 162-169.

Concha CM, Figueroa NE, Poblete LA, Oñate FA, Schwab W, Figueroa CR. 2013. Methyl jasmonate treatment induces changes in fruit ripening by modifying the expression of several ripening genes in Fragaria chiloensis fruit. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 70: 433-444.


Fondecyt Regular 1181310 “Regulation of the abscisic acid biosynthesis in strawberry fruit through a represor role of jasmonate”. Investigador principal. 2017.

Fondecyt Regular 1150764. “Role of abscisic acid (ABA) and jasmonates (JAs) in cherry fruit cracking tolerance”. Co-Investigador 2015-2018.

Fondecyt Regular 1140663. “Control of proanthocyanidin and anthocyanin biosynthesis in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) fruit by jasmonates”. Investigador Responsable. 2014-2018.

Programa de Investigación Asociativa (PIA), Anillo de Ciencia y Tecnología ACT-1110. “Advanced Center for the Integrative Study of Fruit Ripening: Molecular and physiological basis of complex quality traits in the Chilean strawberry (ACIS)”. Investigador Asociado. 2013-2015.

Innova Corfo Perfil I+D Aplicada 11IDL1-10617. “Desarrollo de variedades de frutilla comercial mejoradas en aroma mediante la utilización de germoplasma de frutillas silvestres”. Director. 2012.

Fondo de Investigación del Bosque Nativo, CONAF 064/2011. “Caracterización del potencial saludable y agroalimentario de frutos de especies arbóreas nativas de la zona centro sur del país”. Investigador Responsable. 2011-2013.

Fondecyt Iniciación en Investigación Nº 11110171. “Role of exogenous methyl jasmonate on physiological and transcriptional changes associated with ripening and postharvest quality of Chilean strawberry fruit”.Investigador Responsable. 2011-2013.