Profesor Titular

Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Ingeniero Agrónomo, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires.


Líneas de Investigación

Nuestro interés es entender cómo las plantas sobreviven, crecen y se reproducen en contextos ambientales caracterizados por la escasez de recursos (nutrientes) y agua, y la incidencia de factores de estrés [algunos de origen natural (por ejemplo, altas temperaturas, radiación UVb, ozono) y otros de origen antrópico (por ejemplo, pesticidas)]. En este sentido, nos interesa específicamente comprender cuáles son las funciones que cumplen los microorganismos simbióticos en la capacidad de las plantas para acomodarse / adaptarse al medio abiótico y en particular, la defensa frente a las amenazas bióticas (herbívoros y patógenos). Para poder entender los mecanismos subyacentes a las respuestas de las plantas a los factores de estrés mediadas por microorganismos simbiontes, utilizamos distintas aproximaciones experimentales combinando experimentos manipulativos y observacionales, con técnicas clásicas y bioquímico-moleculares.

Ueno, AC; Gundel, PE; Ghersa, CM; Agathokleous, E; Martinez-Ghersa, MA., 2021. Seed-borne fungal endophytes constrain reproductive success of host plants under ozone pollution. Environmental Research. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111773

Ueno, AC; Gundel, PE; Molina-Montenegro, MA; Ramos, P; Ghersa, CM; Martinez-Ghersa, MA., 2021. Getting ready for the ozone battle: Vertically transmitted fungal endophytes have transgenerational positive effects in plants. Plant Cell And Environment. doi: 10.1111/pce.14047

Bastias, DA; Gianoli, E; Gundel, PE., Fungal endophytes can eliminate the plant growth-defence trade-off. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.17335

Biancari, L; Cerrotta, C; Menendez, AI; Gundel, PE; Martinez-Ghersa, MA., 2021. Episodes of high tropospheric ozone reduce nodulation, seed production and quality in soybean (Glycine max (L.) merr.) on low fertility soils. Environmental Pollution. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116117

Garcia-Parisi, PA; Gavilan, SA; Casas, C; Gundel, PE; Omacini, M. 2021. A fungal endophyte of an annual weed reduces host competitive ability and confers associational protection to wheat. Basic And Applied Ecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2020.10.001

Stefanoni-Rubio, P.J.; Gundel, P.E.; Novas, M.V. & l.J. Iannone. 2021. Ecotype-specific effects of fungal endophytes on germination responses of seeds of the South American wild forage grass Bromus auleticus. Annals of Applied Biology, DOI:10.1111/aab.12732

Morales-Quintana, L.; Barrera, A.; Hereme, R., Jara, K., Rivera-Mora, C., Valenzuela-Riffo, F.; Gundel, P.E.; Pollmann, S., Molina-Montenegro, M.A. & P. Ramos. 2021. Molecular and structural characterization of expansins modulated by fungal endophytes in the Antarctic Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. exposed to drought stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 168: 465-476.

Pérez, L.I.; Gundel, P.E.; García Parisi, P.A.; Moyano, J.; Fiorenza, J.E.; Omacini, M. & M.A. Nuñez. 2021. Can seed-borne endophytes promote grass invasion by reducing host dependence on mycorrhizas? Fungal Ecology, 52: 101077.

Ueno, A.C.; Gundel, P.E.; Ghersa, C.M.; Agathokleous, E. & M.A. Martínez-Ghersa. 2021. Seed-borne fungal endophytes constrain reproductive success of host plants under ozone pollution. Environmental Research, 202, 111773.

Ueno, A.C.; Gundel, P.E.; Molina-Montenegro, M.; Ramos, P.; Ghersa, C.M. & M.A. Martínez-Ghersa. 2021. Getting ready for the ozone battle: Vertically transmitted fungal endophytes have transgenerational positive effects in plants. Plant, Cell & Environment, 4: 2716–2728.

Bastias, D.; Gianoli E. & P.E. Gundel. 2021. Fungal endophytes can eliminate the plant growth-defence trade-off. New Phytologist, 230: 2105-2113.

Decunta, F.A.; Perez, L.I.; Malinowski, D.P.; Molina-Montenegro, M.A. & P.E. Gundel. 2021. A systematic review on the effects of Epichloë fungal endophytes on drought tolerance in cool-season grasses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:644731.

Biancari, B.; Cerrotta, C.; Menéndez, A.I.; Gundel, P.E. & M.A. Martínez-Ghersa. 2021. Episodes of high tropospheric ozone reduce nodulation, seed production and quality in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) on low fertility soils. Environmental Pollution, 269: 116117.

García-Parisi, P.A.; Gavilán, S.A.; Casas, C.; Gundel, P.E. & M. Omacini. 2021. A fungal endophyte of an annual weed reduces host competitive ability and confers associational protection to wheat. Basic and Applied Ecology, 50: 16-24.

Ueno, A.C.; Gundel, P.E.; Seal, C.E.; Ghersa, C.M. & M.A. Martínez-Ghersa. 2020. The negative effect of a vertically-transmitted fungal endophyte on seed longevity is stronger than that of ozone transgenerational effect. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 175: 104037.

Pérez, L.I.; Gundel, P.E.; Zabalgogeazcoa, I. & M. Omacini. 2020. An ecological framework for understanding the roles of Epichloë endophytes on plant defenses against fungal diseases. Fungal Biology Reviews, 34(3):115-125.

Ueno, A.C.; Gundel, P.E.; Ghersa, C.M.; Demkura, P.V.; Card, S.D.; Mace, W.J. & M.A. Martínez‐Ghersa. 2020. Ontogenetic and transgenerational dynamics of a vertically transmitted fungal symbiont in an annual host plant in ozone‐polluted settings. Plant, Cell & Environment, 43: 2540-2550.

Bubica Bustos, L.M.; Ueno, A.C.; Di Leo T.D.; Crocco, C.D.; Martínez-Ghersa, M.A.; Molina-Montenegro, M. & P.E. Gundel. 2020. Maternal exposure to ozone modulates the endophyte-conferred resistance to aphids in Lolium multiflorum plants. Insects, ID: insects-856126

Gundel, P.E.; Boganzoli, F.; Freitas, P.P.; Landesmann, J.B.; Martínez-Ghersa, M.A. & C.M. Ghersa. 2020. Plant damage, seed production and persistence of the fungal endophyte Epichloë occultans in Lolium multiflorum plants under an herbivore lepidopteran attack and ozone pollution. Ecología Austral, 30: 321-330.

Graff, P.; Gundel, P.E.; Salvat, A.; Cristos, D. & E. Chaneton. 2020. Protection offered by leaf fungal endophytes to an invasive species against native herbivores depends on soil nutrients. Journal of Ecology, 108: 1592-1604.

Acuña‐Rodríguez, I.S.; Newsham, K.K.; Gundel, P.E.; Torres‐Díaz, C. & M.A. Molina‐Montenegro. 2020. Functional roles of microbial symbionts in plant cold tolerance. Ecology Letters, 23(6): 1034-1048.

Gundel, P.E.; Sun, P.; Charlton, N.D.; Young, CA.; Miller, T.E.X. & Jennifer A. Rudgers. 2020. Simulated folivory increases vertical transmission of fungal endophytes that deter herbivores and alter tolerance to herbivory in Poa autumnalis. Annals of Botany, 125: 981-991.

Barrera, A.K.; Hereme, R.A.; Ruiz-Lara, S.; Larrondo, L.F.; Gundel, P.E.; Pollmann, S.; Molina-Montenegro, M.A. & P. Ramos. 2020. Fungal endophytes enhance the photoprotective mechanisms and photochemical efficiency in the Antarctic Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. exposed to UV-B radiation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 122.

Molina-Montenegro, M.A.; Acuña-Rodríguez, I.S.; Torres-Díaz, C.; Gundel, P.E.  & I. Dreyer. 2020. Antarctic root endophytes improve physiological performance and yield in crops under salt stress by enhanced energy production and Na+ sequestration. Scientific Reports, 10: 5819.

Hereme, R.; Morales-Navarro, S.; Ballesteros, G.; Barrera, A.K.; Ramos, P.; Gundel, P.E. & M.A. Molina-Montenegro. 2020. Fungal endophytes exert positive effects on Colobanthus quitensis under water stress but neutral under a projected climate change scenario in Antarctica. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 264.

Bastías, D.A.; Martínez-Ghersa, M.A; Newman, J.A.; Card, S.D.; Wade, J.M. & P.E. Gundel. 2019. Sipha maydis sensitivity to defences of Lolium multiflorum and its endophytic fungus Epichloë occultans. PeerJ, 7: e8257.

Petigrosso, L.R.; Vignolio, O.R.; Damiano, I.; Echeverria, M.; Colabelli, M.N. & P.E. Gundel. 2019. Eradication of the fungus Epichloë coenophiala from Schedonorus arundinaceus (tall fescue) seeds by interrupting the vertical transmission process. Ecología Austral, 29: 55-62.

Gundel, P.E.; Ueno, A.C.; Panteix, M. & L.J. Iannone. 2018. The presence of Epichloë fungus in the endosperm-side of the seed predicts the symbiotic status of the seedling. Seed Technology Journal, 39(2): 111-121.

Gundel, P.E.; Seal, C.; Biganzoli, F.; Molina-Montenegro, M.; Vazquez-de-Aldana, B.; Zabalgogeazcoa, I.; Bush, L.P.; Martinez-Ghersa, M.A. & C.M. Ghersa. 2018. Occurrence of alkaloids in grass seeds symbiotic with vertically-transmitted Epichloë fungal endophytes and its relationship with antioxidants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 211.

Bastías, D.A.; Martínez-Ghersa, M.A.; Newman, J.A.; Card, S.D.; Mace, W.J. & P.E. Gundel. 2018. Jasmonic acid regulation of the anti-herbivory mechanism conferred by fungal endophytes in grasses. Journal of Ecology, 106: 2365-2379.

Vila‐Aiub, M.M.; Casas, C. & P.E. Gundel. 2018. The role of plant size in the selection of glyphosate resistance in Sorghum halepense. Pest Management Science, 74: 2460-2467.

Hernández-Agramonte, I.M.; Semmartin, M.; Omacini, M.; Durante, M.; Gundel, P.E. & J. De Battista. 2018. A fungal-endophyte of a palatable grass affects preference of large herbivores. Austral Ecology, 43: 172-179.

Bastías, D.A.; Martínez-Ghersa, M.A.; Newman, J.A.; Card, S.D.; Mace, W.J. & P.E. Gundel. 2018. The plant hormone salicylic acid interacts with the mechanism of anti-herbivory conferred by fungal endophytes in grasses. Plant, Cell & Environment, 41: 395-405.

Bastias, D.A.; Martínez-Ghersa, M.A.; Ballaré, C.L. & P.E. Gundel. 2017. Epichloë fungal endophytes and plant defenses: Not just alkaloids. Trends in Plant Science, 22(11): 939-948.

Menéndez, A.; Gundel, P.E.; Lores, L. & M.A. Martínez-Ghersa. 2017. Assessing the impacts of intra and interspecific competition between Triticum aestivum and Trifolium repens on species responses to ozone. Botany, 95: 923-932.

Bastias, D.A.; Ueno, A.C.; Machado-Assefh, C.R.; Alvarez, A.E.; Young, C.A. & P.E. Gundel. 2017. Metabolism or behavior: explaining the performance of aphids on alkaloid-producing fungal endophytes in annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). Oecologia, 185: 245-256.

Martínez-Ghersa, M.; Menéndez, A.; Gundel, P.E.; Folcia, A.; Romero, A.; Landesmann, J.; Ventura, L. & C.M. Ghersa. 2017. Legacy of historic ozone exposure on plant community and food web structure. PLoS ONE, 12(8): e0182796.

Gundel, P.E.; Helander, M.; Garibaldi, L.A.; Vázquez-de-Aldana, B.R.; Zabalgogeazcoa, I. & K. Saikkonen. 2017. Direct and indirect effects of the fungal endophyte Epichloë uncinatum on litter decomposition of the host grass, Schedonorus pratensis. Plant Ecology, 218: 1107-1115.

Gundel, P.E.; Rudgers, J.A. & K.D. Whitney. 2017. Vertically transmitted symbionts as mechanisms of transgenerational effects. American Journal of Botany, 104: 787-792.

Pérez, L.I.; Gundel, P.E.; Marrero, H.J.; González Arzac, A. &. M. Omacini. 2017. Symbiosis with systemic fungal endophytes promotes host escape from vector-borne diseases. Oecologia, 184: 237-245.

Dirihan, S.; Helander, M.; Väre, H.; Gundel, P.E.; Garibaldi, L.A.; Irisarri, J.G.N.; Saloniemi, I. & K. Saikkonen. 2016. Geographic variation in Festuca rubra L. ploidy levels and systemic fungal endophyte frequencies. PLoS ONE, 11(11): e0166264.

Pérez, L.I.; Gundel, P.E. & M. Omacini. 2016. Can the defensive mutualism between grasses and fungal endophytes protect non-symbiotic neighbours from soil pathogens? Plant & Soil, 405: 289-298.

Casas, C.; Gundel, P.E.; Semmartin, M.; Schnyder, H. & M. Omacini. 2016. The enhancement of invasion ability of an annual grass by its fungal endophyte depends on recipient community structure. Biological Invasions, 18: 1853-1865.

Gundel, P.E.; Irisarri, J.G.N.; Fazio, L.; Casas, C. & L.I. Pérez. 2016. Inferring field performance from drought experiments can be misleading: the case of symbiosis between grasses and Epichloë fungal endophytes. Journal of Arid Environments, 132: 60-62.

Gundel, P.E.; Helander, M.; Garibaldi, L.A.; Vázquez-de-Aldana, B.R.; Zabalgogeazcoa, I. & K. Saikkonen. 2016. Role of foliar fungal endophytes in litter decomposition among species and population origins. Fungal Ecology, 21: 50-56.

Ueno, A.; Gundel, P.E.; Omacini, M.; Ghersa, C.M.; Bush, L.P. & M.A. Martínez-Ghersa. 2016. Mutualism effectiveness of fungal endophyte in grasses is reduced by ozone. Functional Ecology, 30: 226-234.

Dirihan, S.; Helander, M.L.; Saloniemi, I.; Gundel, P.E. & K. Saikkonen. 2015. Effects of systemic fungal endophytes on the performance of meadow fescue and tall fescue in mixtures with red clover. Grass and Forage Science, 70(3): 465-473.

Vila-Aiub, M.M.; Gundel, P.E. & C. Preston. 2015. Experimental methods for estimation of plant fitness costs associated with herbicide-resistance genes. Weed Science, 63: 203-216.

Gundel, P.E.; Sorzoli, N.; Ueno, A.C.; Ghersa, C.M.; Seal, C.E.; Bastías, D.A. & M.A. Martínez-Ghersa. 2015. Impact of ozone on the viability and antioxidant content of grass seeds is affected by a vertically transmitted symbiotic fungus. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 113: 40-46.

Semmartin, M.; Omacini, M.; Gundel, P.E. & I.M. Hernández-Agramonte. 2015. Broad-scale variation of fungal-endophyte incidence in temperate grasses. Journal of Ecology, 103: 184-190.

Iannone, L.J.; Irisarri, J.G.N.; Mc Cargo, P.D.; Pérez, L.I. & P.E. Gundel. 2015. Occurrence of Epichloë fungal endophytes in the sheep-preferred grass Hordeum comosum from Patagonia. Journal of Arid Environments, 115: 19-26.


2021-2024. Transgenerational responses in plants mediated by symbiotic microorganisms of vertical transmission. Proyecto 1210908 – FONDECYT REGULAR. Monto: $Cl 266400000. Función: Director.

2020-2023. Respuestas transgeneracionales en plantas mediadas por microorganismos simbióticos de transmisión vertical. PICT-2018-01593. Monto: $Arg 1228500. Función: Director.